Nicholas Wyon 

Dr. Nicholas Wyon  Consultant Anesthesia / Critical Care Medicine 

Years of Experience : 30

Nationality : Sweden

Languages Known : English, Swedish 



Dr. Nicholas Wyon has 30 years of experience in anesthesia and critical care medicine. After an MBBS in 1989 from Linkoping University, Sweden, he was employed at the Linkoping University Hospital Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine from 1989 to 2014, as a Consultant since 1997 and as Chief of ICU since 2003. He has experience in general adult and pediatric intensive care and neurosurgical, cardiac, and burns intensive care. He graduated from the International Trauma Team Training Program of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Centre, Philadelphia, and served on a Swedish Trauma Team in Ramallah, Palestine, in 2001. His MD entitled “On the Interaction between a Neuromuscular Blocking Agent and Regulation of Breathing during Hypoxia” (2003, ISBN 91-7349-659-6) was publicly defended at The Nobel Institute of Neurophysiology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, on December 5, 2003. He was a Member of the Swedish Intensive Care Society Board from 2008–2013. After moving to Abu Dhabi, UAE, in 2014, he worked at the Government Hospital Department of Critical Care, where he served as Chief of Surgical ICU until 2019. His principal areas of interest are trauma, respiratory failure, sepsis, nutrition, neurosurgical intensive care, ICU management, and quality control.

Education & Training

  • MBBS
  • MD