Dr. Praveen Kumar Arumugam Specialist Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Years of Experience : 3
Nationality : Indian
Languages Known : English, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam
Dr. Praveen Kumar Arumugam is a dedicated Specialist in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, renowned for his commitment to advancing patient care through innovative techniques in plastic and microsurgery. His expertise encompasses managing complex hand trauma emergencies and performing intricate reconstructions of both upper and lower limbs. Dr. Arumugam’s practice is characterized by evidence-based care and meticulous attention to detail, ensuring optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction. He is actively involved in research in critical areas of plastic surgery. With extensive experience at esteemed institutions such as Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City in Abu Dhabi and Ganga Hospital in Coimbatore, Dr. Arumugam brings a wealth of clinical knowledge and leadership to his practice. His membership in key medical associations underscores his ongoing dedication to professional development and collaboration within the field.
Awards & Achievements
- Silver Jubilee Gold Medal in General Surgery, Stanley Medical College – 2015 Awarded to MS PGs in Stanley Medical College.
- Ashok Memorial Gold Medal in Surgical Gastroenterology, Stanley Medical College – 2015 Awarded by the Department of Surgical Gastroenterology for MS PGs.
- Dr. CMK Reddy Gold Medal in Vascular Surgery, Madras Medical College – 2015 Awarded by the Department of Vascular Surgery for statewide MS PGs.
- 2nd Certificate in Pediatric Surgery Medal Exam, Stanley Medical College – 2015 Awarded for MS PGs of Colleges in Chennai.
- 2nd Prize, CMC Vellore OSCE Quiz – 2014.
- 2nd Prize, Tamil Nadu State Conference (ASICON TN&P) Quiz – 2013.
- 1st Prize, Pulmonology Quiz for Undergraduates, Kilpauk Medical College – 2010.
Research & Publications
- Arumugam PK, Muthukumar V, Bamal R. Utility of the Shoelace Technique in Closure of Fasciotomy Wounds in Electric Burns. J Burn Care Res. November 2020.
- Arumugam PK, Thayal PK. Validation of the Indian Adaptation of the Burn Outcomes Questionnaire - Hindi Version (I-Boqhv) for the Pediatric Subgroup Aged 5-18 Years. J Burn Care Res. October 2020.
- Arumugam PK, Thakur P, Sarabahi S. Changing Trends in Electrical Burns From a Tertiary Care Centre: Epidemiology and Outcome Analysis. Ann Burns Fire Disasters. December 2021.
- Dash S, Arumugam PK, Muthukumar V, Kumath M, Sharma S. Study of the Clinical Pattern of Limb Loss in Electrical Burn Injuries Injury. July 2021.
- Muthukumar V, Arumugam PK, Bamal R. Role of Systemic Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Acute Burns: A Retrospective Analysis From a Tertiary Care Center Burns August 2020.
- Muthukumar V, Arumugam PK, Narasimhan A, Kumar S, Sharma U, Sharma S, Kain R. Blood Lactate and Lactate Clearance: Refined Biomarkers and Prognostic Markers in Burn Resuscitation. Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters.
- Kumar S, Kain R, More A, Sheth S, Arumugam PK. Burns and COVID-19: Initial Experience and Challenges. J Burn Care Res.
Education & Training
- Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery Fellowship Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, India October 2021 to November 2022.
- MCh Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, India August 2018 to September 2021.
- MS General Surgery Stanley Medical College, Chennai, India May 2012 to May 2015.
- MBBS (Undergraduate Medical Training) Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai, India August 2005 to March 2011.
- Hand, Lower Limb, and Maxillofacial Trauma.
- Reconstructive Microsurgery with Special Interest in Hand and Lower Limb Reconstruction.
- Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Surgery.
- Burns and Post-Burn Reconstruction.
- Pediatric Hand Surgery.
- Department of Health (DoH) License: GD 41813.
- Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI) Membership No.: A127FL2022.
- Indian Society for Surgery of the Hand (ISSH) Membership No.: IN0753.
- National Academy of Burns India (NABI) Membership No.: K091FL20191300.