Dr. Sumayya Jumaa Obaid Juma Al Marzouqi Consultant Neuro-Ophthalmology
Years of Experience : 20
Nationality : UAE
Languages Known : English,Arabic
800 23Biography
Dr. Sumayya Jumaa Obaid Juma Al Marzouqi is a Consultant Neuro-Ophthalmology with advanced training in the field with over 20 years of experience. She obtained a prestigious fellowship in Neuro-ophthalmology from a renowned program in Texas, USA. She has been a proud member of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Organization (NANO) since 2014. She began her career as a general practitioner in the ophthalmology department in Abu Dhabi, UAE in 1998. Throughout her career, she has served key roles in the field, including ophthalmologist, ophthalmology specialist, consultant, and ophthalmology residency program director. Before joining Burjeel, she served as a neuro-ophthalmology consultant in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Dr. Sumayya Al Marzouqi’s key areas of expertise include optic neuropathy, papilledema, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, visual field disorders, ocular cranial nerve disorders, diplopia, neurogenic ptosis, pupil disorders, etc. She has also authored several publications and journals, showcasing her contributions to the field.
Education & Training
- MBBS, The University of Jordan in HKJ – 1997
- Ophthalmology Residency Program, Mafraq Hospital, UAE – 200
- Neuro-Ophthalmology Fellowship, Methodist Hospital, USA – 2015
- Optic Neuropathy
- Papilledema
- Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
- Visual Field Disorders
- Ocular Cranial Nerve Disorders
- Diplopia
- Neurogenic Ptosis
- Pupil Disorders
- North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS) - Since 2014
- International Patient Care Committee, Abu Dhabi/UAE - From 2010 to 2012 & 2016 to 2018
- EVRS - 2009
- Emirates Society of Ophthalmology
- Emirati Board of Ophthalmology - Since 2021
- American Academy of Ophthalmology

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