Dr. Safaa Moheyeldin Fadel Specialist Family Medicine
Years of Experience : 13
Nationality : Egypt
Languages Known : Arabic, English
Book AppointmentBiography
Dr. Safaa Fadel, the Specialist in Family Medicine has more than 12 years of clinical experience across various hospitals in Egypt and UAE. She has completed MBBS from Sohag University, Egypt in 2010 and MRCGP – International Membership of Royal college for Family Medicine in November 2018. Dr. Safaa has completed International Interprofessional Wound Care Course Diploma from IIWCC – Toronto University in 2021. Dr. Safaa is a member of Royal College of General Practitioners in UK. Dr. Safaa was working with Medeor, Abu Dhabi since 2015 before joining Burjeel Medical City and has also worked in many reputable institutions in the Egypt before moving to UAE. Dr. Safaa’s skills encompass essential medical techniques ranging from history taking and physical examinations to more specialized procedures such as intravenous access, arterial puncture, and Foley catheter insertion. She also covers various diagnostic and treatment procedures like digital nerve blocks, ECG interpretation, and CPR, as well as interventions like skin lesion excision and ingrown toenail removal. She has a special interest in family medicine, women’s health, geriatric, oncology, palliative, and wound care. Her area of expertise is mainly in outpatient clinics managing acute and chronic medical conditions like URTI, Gastroenteritis, UTI Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, gynecological conditions like vaginitis, UTI, antenatal care in uncomplicated pregnancy, wound care management.
Education & Training
- MBBS - Sohag University, Egypt, September 2009
- MRCGP – international Membership of Royal college for Family medicine November 2018
- History taking
- Physical examination
- Intravenous access techniques
- Arterial puncture
- Mask ventilation
- Nasogastric tube placement
- Foley catheter insertion Primary closure techniques
- Digital nerve block
- Ingrown toenail removal
- Removal of superficial foreign bodies
- Nasal packing for epistaxis
- Speculum insertion for vaginal swabs
- Skin lesion biopsy Punch biopsy
- ECG and simple interpretation
- Laryngoscopy CPR
- Excision of skin lesions
- MRCGP - International Membership of Royal College for Family Medicine

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