Dr. Priya Ishwar Besekar Specialist Anesthesia
Years of Experience : 7
Nationality : India
Languages Known : English, Hindi, Marathi
800 23Biography
Dr. Priya Ishwar has more than seven years of experience and has expertise in general surgery, obstetrics, pediatric anesthesia, trauma, and intensive care unit, with a particular interest in neuro-anesthesia. Her other interests include complex airway management, labor/epidural anesthesia, general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, low-flow anesthesia, and pediatric surgery. Before joining Burjeel Medical City, Abu Dhabi, Dr. Priya worked as a Specialist Anesthesiologist at NMC Royal Hospital, Sharjah, and International Modern Hospital, Dubai, UAE. Her areas of expertise include.
- General surgery
- Obstetrics
- Pediatric anesthesia
- Trauma
- Intensive Care Unit
- Neuro-anesthesia
- Difficult airway management
- Labor/epidural anesthesia
- General anesthesia
- Regional anesthesia
- Low-flow anesthesia
- Pediatric Surgery
Awards & Achievements
- Basic Life Support
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support
- Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Education & Training
- MBBS - 2006
- Diploma in Anesthesia - 2011
- Diplomate National Board (DNB) Anesthesia - 2014
- Permanent Member of Indian Society of Anesthesia