Dr. Murali Shankar Consultant Anesthesiologist
Years of Experience : 20
Nationality : India
Languages Known : English, Hindi, Kannada, Tulu, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu
800 23Biography
Dr. Murali Shankar is a Consultant Anesthesiologist with over 20 years of clinical experience. He earned his MD from JJM Medical College in Devanagari, Karnataka, which is affiliated with India’s Rajiv Gandhi Health University. Dr. Murali is an expert in surgery but is especially good at neuro-anesthesia, obstetrics, plastic and maxillofacial surgery, and awake craniotomy.
Research & Publications
- Poster presentation in 4th Indo – US Emergency summit “Carotico Cavernous Fistula” A case report on 10.10.2008
- A case report in” Journal of Anesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology,” April-June 2011, Vol 27, issue two, page no:272-274.Penetrating abdominal injury in a Polytrauma patient: Anesthetic challenges faced
- Indian Journal of Anesthesia, Jan –Feb 2013, vol fifty-seven, issue 1, 35-40. Target controlled infusion (Propofol) Vs. Inhaled anesthetic (Sevoflurane) in patients undergoing shoulder Arthroscopic surgery
- Endourology and stones,2011,78(5),1009-1015. An endoscopic study of the lacuna Magna and Reappraisal of its clinical significance in contemporary urological practice
- Urology 2011; 78:1287-1291. Use of Ureteroscopy before and after expansion of Lithotripter ownership in Michigan (Letter to the Editor)
- Urology 2011; 77:487-490. New minimal access Hydrocelectomy
- Urology 2011; 77:12-16. Painless Surgery: A historical review of the evolution of Intra urethral anesthesia in urology
Education & Training
- MD
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Inter National Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM)
- Indian Society of Anesthesiologists (ISA)
- All India Difficult Airway Society
- Indian Society of Neuro Anesthesiologists (ISNAC)
- Karnataka Medical Council
- Indian Red Cross Society