Dr. Mohammed Osman Abdalrazig Osman General Practitioner
Years of Experience : 11
Nationality : Sudan
Languages Known : English, Arabic
800 23Biography
Dr. Mohammed Osman Abdalrazig Osman is a compassionate and clinically competent General Practitioner with an extensive 11-year background in hospital and clinical settings across Sudan and Saudi Arabia. His multifaceted responsibilities include covering the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, managing outpatient clinics, overseeing the Pediatric Emergency Department, following up on admitted patients in the ward, treating individuals requiring airborne or droplet isolation in the respiratory room, and leading the team in the resuscitation room for cases demanding advanced life support. His skills encompass a range of medical procedures, including interventions, annulation, lumbar puncture, femoral sampling, and nasogastric tube insertion. Dr. Osman excels in communication, demonstrating dedication as an innovative and flexible team worker. Possessing strong computer skills, he is well-equipped to navigate modern healthcare technologies. Dr. Osman has successfully passed the Health Authority of Abu Dhabi (HAAD) medical practitioner exam, showcasing his commitment to professional excellence. Additionally, he holds a professional accreditation certificate from the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties and is a fully registered General Practitioner with the Sudan Medical Council.
Education & Training
- PALS (paediatric advanced life support) - December2021 valid tell December 2023
- MBBS in medicine and general surgery from International University of Africa - 2009
- Passed HAAD medical practitioner exam
- Professional accreditation certificate from Saudi commission for heath specialties
- Fully registered general practitioner with Sudan medical council certificate