Dr. Iviano Rudolph Ossuetta Consultant & Director of Neonatology
Years of Experience : 18
Nationality : United Kingdom
Languages Known : English, Isoko
Book AppointmentBiography
Dr. Iviano gained his MBBS qualification in medicine from Nigeria and pursued higher studies with specialized training in advanced areas of neonatology in the UK. He commenced his consultant career focusing on congenital heart disease, respiratory, nutrition and developmental /family centered care of the newborn. Over the 18 years of his consultant career, he has worked consistently in the industry’s largest multi-disciplinary, tertiary hospital environments and led teams of specialists attending to sensitive pediatric cases and babies of 23 weeks and above with medical and surgical complications. As Lead Consultant for the Nutrition Team, he also put in place guidelines for consultants, nurses, and pharmacists in the neonatal unit, to ensure standardized, evidence based nutritional practice within the department. Taking up his position as Director of Neonatology Services for Burjeel Holdings, UAE and Consultant in Neonatal Medicine at Burjeel Medical City Abu Dhabi, Dr. Iviano brings valuable expertise and experience of managing perinatal networks and Level-3 neonatal unit. He has experience with multidisciplinary engagement across a wide range of perinatal and pediatric specialties including neonatal surgery, cardiology, gastroenterology, neurology, neurosurgery, and ophthalmology. Dr. Iviano has participated in several national and international seminars, conferences and panel discussions and presents his papers and expert opinions in neonatology and pediatrics. He has undertaken neonatal research work in monitoring of metabolic bone disease and treatment and participated in a randomized controlled trial of early insulin therapy in very low birth weight Infants. His other studies include predicting the development of clinically significant patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and sepsis in babies born early.
Awards & Achievements
- Chair, Neonatology Sub-Committee, SEHA Pediatric Service Line, Abu Dhabi
- Neonatal Network Lead Clinician Beds and Herts, UK
Research & Publications
- Comprehensive Ocular Examinations of Healthy Newborns in the Middle East Ophthalmic Epidemiology 2020 Nov 19;1-6. Doi: 10.1080/09286586.2020.1849740
- Relationship between insulin like growth factor I levels, early insulin treatment and clinical outcomes of very low birth weight infants, The Journal of Pediatrics Volume 164, Issue 5, Pages 1038-1044. E1, Published online February 2014.
- Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) measurement in the prediction of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) severity and need for ligation (poster at EAPS Istanbul, October 2012)
- Validation of the continuous glucose monitoring sensor in preterm infants, Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed doi:10.1136/archdischild-2012-301661 (Published online July 12th, 2012)
- National Surveillance Study of Extended Spectrum beta lactamase producing Organism Infection in Neonatal Units of England and Wales, Arch Dis Child June 2011; 96 (Suppl 1): A1-A100 Published Abstract
- Prevalence and Determinants of Hyperglycemia in Very Low birth Weight Infants: Cohort analyses of the NIRTURE study. The Journal of Pediatrics Volume 157, Issue 5, Pages 715-719. e3, November 2010
- Service Evaluation of Serum Procalcitonin in Management of Neonatal Sepsis. Pediatric Research, Supplement: 678-679, November 2010 Published Abstract
- Early Insulin Therapy in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants: NIRTURE Study. New England Journal of Medicine, vol 359; 1873-1884, October 30, 2008, number 18
- Serial Serum Parathormone (PTH) as a Marker for Monitoring Metabolic Bone Disease of Prematurity, Arch Dis Child 2008; 93 (suppl II): A399-A446 Published Abstract
- Use of serial biochemical markers in preterm neonates to predict PDA and sepsis; European Journal of Pediatrics, (e-publication) vol. 165, Supplement 1, November 2006; Abstracts pp 1-389 Published Abstract
- To assess the outcome in a group of fetuses with severe intrauterine growth restriction; Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 26, Issue S1, April 2006, pages S25 - S31 http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713433887~db=all~tab=issueslist~branches=26 - v26
- Vertical transmission of Human Echovirus 11 at the time of Bornholm Disease in late pregnancy; Ped. Inf. Dis. J 2005, Jan 24(1):88-9
Education & Training
- Care of the newborn
- Neonatal intensive care
- Neonatal echocardiography
- Neonatal nutrition