Dr. Fathi Yousef Al Giurani Consultant Internal Medicine & Geriatrics
Years of Experience : 38
Nationality : United Kingdom
Languages Known : Arabic, English
Book AppointmentBiography
Dr. Fathi Giurani is a Senior Consultant Physician at Burjeel Medical City, MBZ, Musaffah, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Dr. Fathi Giurani received his medical degree from Tripoli University in Libya. He has over 38 years of experience in clinical medicine and management, with almost 33 years of experience in England and Ireland. He has wide medical experience, including diabetes, endocrinology, rheumatology, cardiology, respiratory medicine, and geriatric medicine. His main interest is in metabolic bone disease; he was the lead physician for the osteoporosis services at King’s Mill Hospital for 11 years. Furthermore, he has experience in management, helping set osteoporosis guidelines, helping with shortlisting and interviewing for hospital jobs, including consultant positions. He was the Associate Service Director for the department for two years, charring and preparing the agenda once a month for the department. He was responsible for the implementation of the clinical governance standard. As a consultant physician, he has seen many patients with cancer, including bowel cancer, liver, and pancreas, and he diagnoses these patients for further treatments. Dr. Fathi has extensive research experience and has authored many geriatrics and osteoporosis articles. He also has teaching experience, including teaching medical students for The University of Nottingham’s medical school and educational and clinical supervision for F1, F2, and Specialist Register Trainees.
Awards & Achievements
- Associate Service Director for the Department for 2 years in King’s Mill Hospital
Research & Publications
- Osteoporosis- Poster Presentation to the Nos in Haregate, June 2006/ ECCEO Meeting in Porto 2007/ Poster Presentation
- Hospital Arrival Time and the Factors Associated with Early Presentation of Acute Stroke. (F Giurani, S Vasishta, M Hasan)
- Investigate the Time Interval between Onset and Presentation to the Hospital. To Investigate the Factors Which Associated with Early Presentation
- The Effects of Community Acquired Pneumonia on the Activities of Plasma Esterases in Older People. (Abou-Hatab; Gancshalingam K; Giurani F; O’Mahoney and Woodhouse Kw)
- The Effect of Community Acquired Pneumonia on the Inducibility of Cytochrome P450 in Peripheral Blood Monocytes (Abou-Hatab; Gancshalingam K; Giurani F; O’Mahoney and Woodhouse Kw)
- Congestive Cardiac Failure Survey (CCF Survey), Conducted in 1996 not published because of a very poor response rate
- Post Myocardial Infarction use of Beta-Blockers, published in the Communication of the British Geriatric Society Spring Meeting in Cork, April 1999
- Abuse in Elderly People: The Granny Battering Revisited Published in the Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 31 (2000) 215-220, www.elsevier.com/locate/Archger
- The effect of community acquired pneumonia on the activities of Enzymes of drug metabolism in older people, submitted for Publication to Age and Ageing in November 1999
- The effect of community acquired pneumonia on the activities of Plasma Esterases in older people. Published in the proceeding of 1st Transatlantic Geriatric Meeting, 2nd Franco-American Geriatric Meeting, September 1999, Paris, and Eur J Clinical Pharmocol (2001) 57: 55-60
- The effect of community acquired pneumonia on the inducibility of Cytochrome P450 in Peripheral Blood Monocytes. Published in the proceeding of 1st Transatlantic Geriatric Meeting, 2nd Franco-American Geriatric Meeting September 1999 and Paris
Education & Training
- Management of acute medical problem
- Management of diabetes and its complication
- Management of hyperlipidemia
- Thyroid problem
- Gastrointestinal diseases
- Respiratory diseases including pneumonia, COPD, asthma
- Cardiovascular problem including hypertension, angina, arrhythmias, and heart failure
- CNS problem including stroke, Parkinson disease, dementia, and the neuropathy
- Rheumatological problem including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
- Hematological problem including treatment of iron deficiency anemia by iron infusion
- Cancer screening services
- Skin infection
- Fellowship of the Royal College of Physician of Edinburg (FRCPed)
- Member of the Royal College of Ireland
- General Medical Council (GMC) of England
- General Medicine Council of Libya
- Member of Geriatric Society of UK
- Member of the National Osteoporosis Society of UK
- Professional Membership HAAD, Abu Dhabi Health Authority

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