Dr. Bharat Sapra Consultant Gastroenterology (Specialized in ERCP and EUS)
Years of Experience : 25
Nationality : India
Languages Known : English, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu
Book AppointmentBiography
Dr. Bharat Sapra is a Senior Consultant with 25 years of enriching experience in medicine, specialized in Gastroenterology in Abu Dhabi. As a student, Dr. Bharat, a Gold medallist, did his doctorate in Gastroenterology from the prestigious institute PGIMER, Chandigarh, India and was working as Senior Professor and Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist (Liver Specialist) at SMS Medical College – Jaipur, India. Before joining Burjeel Medical City, Abu Dhabi, he was a Consultant at NMC Royal Hospital, Dubai. His primary expertise includes adults and pediatric Endoscopy, (age more than 8 years), ERCP (Pancreato-Biliary), EUS (Linear and Radial), Endoscopy- Therapeutic Gastro-Duodenoscopy, Colonoscopy in addition to Cholangioscopy, pH Metry, Manometry and Fibro Scan. He had been doing a high-volume work in ERCP with four hundred cases per year and additionally trained in linear EUS performing around 120 cases per year. Dr. Bharat is a post-doctoral Teacher and Examiner and has trained more than fifty post-doctoral fellows in clinical gastroenterology and therapeutic endoscopy from various places in India. He has organized, attended, and delivered orations in various State and National conferences of gastroenterology in India and has life Membership of ISG, INASAL, SGEI and API. He has published thirty-five articles in leading journals of Clinical Medicine and has thorough command in his clinical practice seeing GI oncology, hepatology, pancreato-biliary diseases, IBD’s and other luminal (heartburn/acid reflux/bloating/gas/diarrhea/constipation/pain abdomen/change in bowel habbits, unexplained weight loss, rectal bleeding or bloody stools, incomplete bowel movements, jaundice, etc.) GI cases. Dr. Bharat additionally is certified by Royal College of Physicians and British Society of Gastroenterology after clearing European Specialty Examination in Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
Research & Publications
- Febrile Convulsions-Concept and Management, Journal of Indian Medical association vol ninety no 6 1992
- Bell’s Palsy- Current Concepts and Management, Rajasthan Med Journal vol30 no 1-2 1991
- Effect of Smoking on Lipid Profile, JAPI Vol 45 no 7 1997
- Chloroquine induced seizures, Neurology India vol1 1992
- Unilateral Renal Agenesis, Current Medical Trends April 1998
- Probiotics and Gut, Am Natl Acad Medical Science171-179 1999
- Role of Losartan in Management of Diabetic Hypertension, JAPI vol 48 May 2000
- Incidence of GERD IN patients of COPD, Paper presented, Raj APICON 1997
- Profile of Celiac disease in Ajmer, Rajasthan, Paper presented, Raj Apison 2003
- Experience of EVL in patients of portal Hypertension, Paper presented in, Raj APICON 2003
- Prevalence of NASH in Type 2 DM, Paper presented in, Raj APICON 2004 Awarded M Chenna Reddy Award**.
- H Pylori in DM and its relationship with Dyspepsia, Paper presented at Raj APICON 2004 Awarded Bikaner Chapter award**
- Study of Depression in Comorbid Condition in Elderly, Paper presented at Raj APICON 2004
- Pioglitazone in a combination of sulfonylurea improves Glycemic control in Type 2 DM Paper presented at Raj APICON 2004
- Seroprevalence of H pylori in CAD patients, Paper presented at Raj APICON 2005
- Diagnostic Upper GI Endoscopy in Elderly, Paper presented A125, Indian Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006 Supplement 2, November
- Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B in15-45 years in Haloti Region, vol25, a57, IJG, supplement two
- Prevalence of undiagnosed Diabetes in Haloti region, Annual RSSDI, New Delhi
- Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy in EHPVO. Does it impact the quality of Life, GUT 2009,58, Supplement,11, A 493
- Prevalence of NAFLD and associated risk factors in patients undergoing Cholecystectomy Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,2008,23, supplement 5, December, A63
- Clinical Endoscopic and Histological Profile of Portal hypertensive, Gastropathy, Indian Journal of Gastroenterology, vol28, supplement one, Dec, a175
- Through the scope dilatation in Corrosive induced GOO, Indian Journal of Gastroenterology, vol twenty-eight, supplement one, a175
- A novel Magnetic Instrument for retrieval of sharp and blunt Ferromagnetic Foreign Bodies of Upper GI, Indian Journal of Gastroenterology,2009, vol twenty-eight, Dec a 179
- IS Pentoxifylline the answer for Alcoholic Hepatitis, Editorial, Tropical Gastroenterology 2002
- Familial Prevalence of Celiac Disease, Journal of Tropical Pediatrics’ 2011
- 3,6 or 9 band shooters; tailor-made legators as needed, Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2011
- Atraumatic rupture of Spleen, Tropical Gastroenterology 2011
- Endoscopic Management of Pseudocysts and walled off Pancreatic
- Necrosis, Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2016
- Endoscopic Ultrasound-guided Thrombin injection in angiographically unfeasible giant pseudoaneurysm of gastroduodenal artery in a patient
- Chronic pancreatitis an unusual case Journal of Digestive endoscopy vol eight issue 2 pg. 93-98 yr. 2017 Gastric Outlet Obstruction an unusual complication of the common salt binge, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2018 vol 30(10)1253-54
- Septic Arthritis of shoulder joint an unusual complication of Cholangitis- Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2018, October, VOL 12 (10): OD06-D07
- Seronegative Celiac Disease; Frequently Encountered Yet Undiagnosed Clinical Entity. DOI: 10.34172/mejdd.2021.201
- Endoscopic Ultrasound-guided thrombin injection, a management approach for visceral artery pseudoaneurysms. Endosc Int Open 2020; 08(03) E407-e412
- Hepatic and Gastrointestinal Manifestation of COVID-19. EC
- Gastroenterology and Digestive System 8.3 (2021); 69-77
Education & Training
- MD
- DM (Gastroenterology)
- MRCP UK (Gastro.) ESEGH
- Upper GI endoscopy
- Endoscopic hemostasis-variceal banding / injection sclerotherapy
- Stricture dilatation - SG and balloon (CRE/TTS)
- Pyloric dilatation
- Esophageal and pyloric metallic stenting (SEMS) for palliation of malignant stricture
- Foreign body removal (esophageal and stomach)
- Polypectomy
- Hemostasis of peptic ulcer bleed - metal clipping /injection therapy/bands/APC
- Biopsy of mucosal lesion/masses
- APC (argon plasma coagulation)
- Narrow band imaging/magnifying endoscopy
- Glue injection of gastric varices
- Rigi flex achalasia balloon dilation
- PEG (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy)
- Lower GI endoscopies colonoscopy with ileostomy and sigmoidoscopies
- Polypectomy of colonic mucosal polyps
- Stricture dilatation
- Colonic metallic stenting (sems)
- Endoscopic hemostasis of lower GI bleed
- Hemorrhoid’s bands/injection therapy
- CBD stone removal with and without sphincterotomy/sphincteroplasty
- Biliary stones basketing/balloon sweep/trapezoid/lithotripsy
- Precut sphincterotomy
- Biliary stricture (benign and malignant)
- Sems for EHBO palliation - CA pancreas, CA gall bladder cholangiocarcinoma and periampullary carcinoma Pseudocyst drainage (cyst-gastrostomy)
- Stenting bile leak post cholecystectomy
- Chronic pancreatitis for strictures/stone
- Pancreatic duct leak (traumatic pancreatitis)
- Remove internally migrated stents
- Biopsy of mass lesion
- Post liver transplant biliary stenting
- Endoscopic ultrasound (linear)
- FNAC of SM masses/lymph node/mediastinal masses / subepithelial /pancreatic and biliary solid and cystic lesion
- Pseudocyst drainage using linear EUS - DPT/lumen apposing metal stent (lams)
- Capsule endoscopy
- Cholangioscopy
- Balloon enterostomy
- Manometry/pH metry / liver biopsies
- Fibro scan
- Life Member JAPI, INDIA
- Life Member Indian Society of Gastroenterology
- Life Member Society of GI Endoscopy

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