Dr. Anshu.S.L Shettigar Specialist Anesthesiology
Years of Experience : 6
Nationality : India
Languages Known : English, Hindi
800 23Biography
Dr. Anshu S.L. Shettigar is a dedicated anesthesiologist with extensive experience in administering safe and precise anesthesia across a wide range of surgical procedures, including neurosurgery, pediatric surgery, and onco-surgery. With a strong foundation in critical care, ICU management, and regional anesthesia techniques, Dr. Shettigar is committed to ensuring patient safety, comfort, and optimal surgical outcomes. Beyond clinical practice, Dr. Shettigar is actively engaged in research and medical innovation, contributing to advancements in anesthetic methodologies and pain management. Passionate about medical education, Dr. Shettigar plays a key role in training future anesthesiologists and guiding research initiatives. With a keen interest in hospital administration and the development of novel medical devices, Dr. Shettigar continues to push the boundaries of anesthesia practice, combining clinical expertise with forward-thinking innovation. Dedicated to interdisciplinary collaboration, Dr. Shettigar works closely with surgeons, intensivists, and nursing teams to enhance perioperative care, improve patient recovery, and implement best practices in anesthesia and critical care.
Research & Publications
- Publication: Shettigar AS, Teckchandani DA, Udupi S. SUCLA 2 deficiency and mitochondrial cytopathy – Do we have a safe anesthesia plan yet? Indian J Anaesth 2021; 65:415-6. (Scopus Indexed).
- Gold Medal Paper Podium Presentation: Transhiatal Esophagectomy – Challenging Procedure for Anesthesiologist at the Annual Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists (ISACON) 2014, Madurai.
- Paper Presentation: A Rare Case of Nitrobenzene Poisoning – A Case Report at Annual Karnataka State Conference (KISACON) 2014, Dharwad.
- Paper Presentation: Oral Pregabalin Premedication as an Adjuvant to Fentanyl in Patients Undergoing Major Surgery at Trivandrum South Zone Annual Conference (TRISZAC) 2015.
- Poster Presentation: Anesthetic Considerations in Achalasia Cardia at Trivandrum South Zone Annual Conference (TRISZAC) 2015.
Education & Training
- DNB Anesthesiology – National Board of Examination, New Delhi: 2022.
- Indian Diploma in Critical Care Medicine – Narayana Hrudayalaya, Bangalore: 2016 –2017.
- M.D. in Anesthesia – J.J.M. Medical College, Davangere/ RGUHS Bangalore: 2013 –2016.
- M.B.B.S. – Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipal, Karnataka: 2005 –2011.
- General Anesthesia
- Spinal Anesthesia
- Epidural Anesthesia
- Caudal Anesthesia
- Labor Analgesia
- Blocks – Upper Limb Block, Fascial Plane Block, Lower Limb Blocks
- Endotracheal Intubation
- Intensive Care Management
- Tracheostomy
- Central Intravenous Line Access
- Intra-Arterial Catheterization