Dr. Ali Iyoob Valiyaveettil Consultant & Head Gastrointestinal Surgery
Years of Experience : 23
Nationality : India
Languages Known : English, Hindi, Malayalam, Arabic
Book AppointmentBiography
Dr. Ali Iyoob has been trained in prestigious institutions in India, UK and Japan with an experience spanning more than 23 years in General Surgery and 16 years exclusively in gastro-intestinal and hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery. Proficient in advanced minimal access surgery laparoscopic and robotic, Dr. Ali Iyoob is one of the pioneers in key-hole surgery of esophagus and the first to perform advanced robotic surgery in Kerala, India. One of the most sought-after surgeons in Abu Dhabi for expertise in the respective field, Dr. Ali has performed many challenging surgeries. His primary areas of skill are surgery of esophagus, stomach, liver, bile duct, pancreas, colon, ano-rectum and surgery for obesity, GERD, and hernias with special interest in gastro-intestinal cancer surgeries. He is highly interested in research and innovations – introduced a new surgical technique for closure of post spine surgery pharyngo-esophago-cutaneous fistula and devised an instrument to perform cost effective laparoscopic appendectomy. Dr. Ali has published in journals and presented in various national and international conferences.
Awards & Achievements
- Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons - FRCS (Glasgow) 2004
- Robotic surgery + Robotic Bariatric Surgery 2015
- LAP HPB Surgery from AITS, IRCD, Taiwan 2014
- VAT Esophagectomy 2011
- Laparoscopic Solid Organ Course 2009
- LAP CBD Exploration, 2007
Research & Publications
- Prospective study of short-term complications following PD based on International definitions. Tropical Gastroenterology 2014; 35(1):32-38. http://dx.doi.org/10.7869/tg.161
- Postoperative Pharyngocutaneous Fistula–Treated with Sternocleidomastoid Flap Repair and Cricopharyngeal Myotomy – Grand Rounds section, European Spinal Journal 2012. DOI 10.1007/s00586-012-2451-4
- Laparoscopic Appendicectomy using endo-ring applicator and Fallopian rings. Iyoob V Ali, Maliekkal JI. Saudi J Gastroenterol. 2009 Jan;15 (1):39-41. PMID:19568554 [PubMed] doi: 10.4103/1319-3767.45053
- Incidence of Delayed Gastric Emptying in ppPD based on new ISGPS definition - A Prospective study (first author): Abstract in Tropical Gastroenterology, 2009
- Laparoscopic Resection of Large Ileal GIST, V A Iyoob, Sailesh, Nanda: Aster Medical Journal, 2015
- Robotic Upper GI surgery: Initial Experience, IASG, Coimbatore 2016, Abstract in Tropical Gastroenterology 2017 (poster presentation)
- Biliary Tract Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm – A brief report and review of literature. Raveendran Subhash, Iyoob Valiyaveettil Ali, Bonny Natesh. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology 2014, 57(4) 588-90
- Disseminated macronodular tuberculosis. Raveendran Subhash, M L Arun Kumar, Valiyaveettil Ali Iyoob, Bonny Natesh. ANZ Journal of Surgery03/2013; 83(3):182-3
- Intraluminal migration of drain tube: a short report. Raveendran Subhash, Iyoob Valiyaveettil Ali, Bonny Natesh. Annals of Gastroenterology01/2013; 26(1):93-95
- Prebilaterian duodenal diverticulum. R Subhash, V A Iyoob, Bonny Natesh. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 12/2012; 32(1): 68
- Chronic calcific pancreatitis of tropics. Raveendran Subhash, Valiyaveettil Ali Iyoob, Bonny Natesh, Surgery;153(6): 877-8
- Complicated acute pancreatitis: the worst-case scenario. R Subhash, V A Iyoob, N Bonny. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 04/2012; 58(2):154-5
- Tropical Calcific Pancreatitis. R Subhash, V A Iyoob, Bonny Natesh.
- Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology: 2012 PII: S1542-3565(12)00321-7. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2012.03.012
- Discriminant analysis for prediction of pathology in pancreatic head mass with chronic calcific pancreatitis. [abstract] Subhash R, Sindhu R S, Iyoob V A, Ramesh Rajan, Bonny Natesh. Tropical gastroenterology. 10/2011; 2011;32(3) suppl.3(P 30)
- Diathermy versus scalpel - a prospective clinical study on wound infections in midline laparotomy incisions. [abstract] Subhash R, Sindhu R S, Iyoob V A, Ramesh Rajan, Bonny Natesh. Tropical gastroenterology. 10/2011; 2011;32 (3) suppl.3 (M 1)
- Reoperative pancreaticoduodenectomy – an outcome analysis. [abstract] Subhash R, Sindhu R S, Shabeerali T U, Arunkumar ML, Iyoob V A, Ramesh Rajan, Bonny Natesh. Tropical gastroenterology. 10/2010; 31(3) suppl1 (P 3)
- Incidence of Delayed Gastric Emptying in ppPD based on new ISGPS definition – A Prospective study (Abstract). V A Iyoob, R Sindhu, Ramesh R, Bonny N. Tropical Gastroenterology, 10/2009 suppl
- Are we missing pancreatic fistula in Chronic Pancreatitis (Abstract). VA Iyoob, R Sindhu, Ramesh Rajan, Bonny Natesh. Tropical Gasteroenterology10/2011suppl
- Adrenal Adenoma-Hemangioma: A Unique Collision Tumor. Subhash Raveendran, Harish Babu SP, Arun Kumar ML, Iyoob VA, Bonny Natesh. World J Endocrine Surg. 2011; 3(3):125-127)
Education & Training
- MS (General Surgery)
- MCh (Gastro-Intestinal Surgery)
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Association of Surgeons of India (ASI)
- Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterologists (IASG)
- Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (IAGES)
- International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (IHPBA)
- Association of Surgical Gastroenterologists of Kerala (ASGK)

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