We aim to provide a professional, friendly and efficient service to all our patients. However, if you have any concerns about any aspect of our service, please let us know. We would be happy to hear from you, and always strive to improve and enhance our service to you. Please contact our Patient Experience Officers on Email : peo.bsh@burjeel.com. We also have a suggestion box for you to post your suggestion anonymously if you wish of fill the below online form.

Online Feedback and complaints Form

Please choose your feedback type

I am providing feedback as a

How was your overall experience at Burjeel Specialty Hospital ? *

This question is mandatory

How was your overall experience at Burjeel Specialty Hospital ? *

This question is mandatory

How was your overall experience at Burjeel Specialty Hospital ? *

This question is mandatory

How likely are you to recommend Burjeel Specialty Hospital to a friend or Family Member ? *

This question is mandatory

How likely are you to recommend Burjeel Specialty Hospital to a friend or Family Member ? *

This question is mandatory

Nursing Experience ( Promptness on arrival, Pain management)

Consultation Experience ( Quality of treatment)

Admission Experience ( Speed of admission process and explanation)

In room Experience (Housekeeping and Facility)

Nursing Experience ( Response to call bell , pain management , Communication)

Food & Beverages ( Quality and taste of food , Timely delivery ,Dietician visit)

Doctor Experience ( Interaction with the Doctor , Quality of treatment)

Appointment Experience ( Ease and comfortness of booking appointment )

Location Clarity

Parking Experience ( Valet parking)

Reception Experience ( Speed of Registration process , Courtesy and responsiveness of staff)

Reception Experience ( Speed of Registration process , Courtesy and responsiveness of staff)

Radiology and Laboratory Services

Housekeeping Services ( cleanliness of the hospital)

Housekeeping Experience ( Cleanliness of washroom , overall cleanliness)

Nursing Experience ( Communication , Quality of care)

Consultation Experience ( interaction with the Doctor and Quality of treatment)

Diagnostic & Ancillary Services ( Radiology , Laboratory , Physiotherapy services)

Diagnostic & Ancillary Services ( Radiology , Laboratory , Physiotherapy services)

Insurance Experience ( Speed of approval process)

Billing and Discharge experience ( Explanation of bill , Speed of discharge process)

Billing & Insurance Experience

Pharmacy Experience

Security Experience

Security Experience

Ambulance services (if applicable)

Attendant Experience

Would you like to appreciate the staff who has given you an exceptional service

Would you like to appreciate the staff who has given you an exceptional service

Would you like to appreciate the staff who has given you an exceptional service


