Dr. Jai Kumar Anesthesia Specialist
Years of Experience : 11
Nationality : Pakistan
Languages Known : English, Urdu, Sindh
Dr. Jai is a seasoned Anesthesiologist, with over 11 years of experience, skilled in all forms of anesthesia including general, regional, and local. He holds a Fel-lowship degree (F.C.P.S) and earned a Certificate of Appreciation during his two-year stint as a Specialist in King Abdul Aziz Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Back in Pakistan, Dr. Jai joined Pir Abdul Qadir Shah Jeelani Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat, a quaternary care hospital, as Assistant Professor in Anesthe-siology, where he was awarded the prestigious Pride of Performance award by the Founder and Director. His comprehensive training encompassed providing anesthesia for diverse surgi-cal specialties like neurosurgery, pediatrics and neonatology, gynecology and obstetrics, plastic surgery and burns, general surgery, ENT, head and neck sur-gery including cochlear implant, genitourinary surgery, orthopedics and trauma, intensive care, cardiothoracic surgery, anesthesia outside the operating room, pain management, postoperative care, pre-anesthesia assessment, and even dental and maxillofacial surgery. In essence, Dr. Jai is a highly qualified and experienced Anesthesiologist with a profound understanding of pain management across a vast range of surgical procedures.
Awards & Achievements
- Pride of Performance - Assistant Professor and Senior Consultant at Pir Abdul Qadir Shah Jeelani Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat ,Sindh, Pakistan
Research & Publications
- Role of Preemptive Nebulized Lignocaine in Endotracheal tube tolerance during Anesthetic Induction and Emergence
- Fellow of College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan.