Dr. Nahil Mahmoud Khalil Specialist Obstetrics and Gynecology
Years of Experience : 7
Nationality : Sudan
Languages Known : Arabic , English
Book AppointmentBiography
Nahil Mahmoud Khalil is an Obstetrics and Gynecologist at Burjeel Royal Hospital, Al Ain. She has seven years of experience, with three years of Gulf country experience; she is qualified to manage and deal with a high-risk pregnancy, work professionally during stressful conditions, conduct difficult deliveries, do elective and emergency CS, and deal with gynecological cases medically or surgically. She has performed emergency and elective cesarean sections totaling over 5000. These include complicated cases like placenta previa, abruptio placentae, multiple pregnancies, breech presentation, and transverse lie. She has operated on patients with six previous cesarean sections. Her areas of expertise include
- Oophorectomies
- Laparotomy for ectopic pregnancy
- Dilatation and curratage
- Manual vacuum aspiration
- Excision of clitoral cysts
- Marsupialisation of bartholin cysts
- Assisted deliveries using a vacuum extractor and forceps
- Vaginal deliveries include assisted breech delivery for patients with shoulder dystocia who present late in the second stage.
- Doing abdominal and vaginal hysterectomies and vesical vaginal fistula repairs
- Anterior and posterior repair
- Dealing with a high-risk pregnancy, even percreta-2 cases, with an excellent outcome