Dr. Mohamed Ahmed EL Maghawri Shanab Specialist Internal Medicine
Years of Experience : 12
Nationality : Egypt
Languages Known : Arabic , English
Book AppointmentBiography
Dr. Mohamed Ahmed EL Maghawri Shanab is an experienced Internal Medicine Specialist who began his career in 2011 in the Internal Medicine department of Zagazig University Hospitals, one of the largest Tertiary University Hospitals in Egypt. He earned a Master’s degree in Internal Medicine in 2015 and then worked as an Internal Medicine Specialist in Zagazig University Hospitals. By 2020, he had earned an MD in internal medicine and had worked as a Consultant in Internal Medicine at Zagazig University Hospitals since that time. Additionally, he served as a Consultant in Internal Medicine and Nephrology in partnership with Zagazig university hospitals and the Mansoura Nephrology and Urology Clinic, Egypt’s largest Nephrology Center. Also, he is active in research in the areas of diabetes mellitus and acute renal injury. His areas of specialization include the following,
- Diagnosis, treatment and follow up of different cases of the endocrine disorder including diabetes, diabetes mellitus related emergency like DKA and hypoglycemia or DM related complications including diabetic nephropathy and neuropathy
- Diagnosis, treatment and follow up of cases with thyroid gland dysfunction including patient with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
- Diagnosis, treatment, and follow up of cases with obesity and metabolic syndrome, including hyperuricemia
- Diagnosis, treatment and follow up of cases with hypertension and heart failure
- Diagnosis, treatment and follow up of cases with GIT disorders including patients with gastritis, H. Pylori related Gastritis, GERD, IBS and peptic ulcer disease Diagnosis, treatment and follow up of cases with proteinuria
- Diagnosis, treatment and follow up of cases with AKI, ESRD and different patterns of glomerulonephritis
- Diagnosis, treatment and follow up of cases with chest problems including chest infection, asthma and COPD patients
- Diagnosis, treatment and follow up of cases with hepatic disorder including patients with CLD either compensated or decompensated cases, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and NASH
- Diagnosis, treatment and follow up of cases with acute illness such as bacterial and viral infection
- Preoperative evaluation of patients undergoing different surgical procedure