We aim to provide a professional, friendly and efficient service to all our patients. However, if you have any concerns about any aspect of our service, please let us know. We would be happy to hear from you, and always strive to improve and enhance our service to you. Please ask for the Centre Manager in the first instance who will be happy to help. In the majority of cases, concerns can be resolved quite easily. We also have a suggestion box for you to post your suggestion anonymously if you wish of fill the below online form.

Online Feedback and complaints Form

Please choose your feedback type

I am providing feedback as a

Doctor communication and treatment was *

This question is mandatory

Doctor communication and treatment was *

This question is mandatory

My overall experience was *

This question is mandatory

My overall experience was *

This question is mandatory

Nursing care was *

This question is mandatory

Nursing care was *

This question is mandatory

Would you like to use or recommended our service again ?

Would you like to use or recommended our service again ?