Dr. Mavin Macauley Consultant Endocrinologist
Years of Experience : 18
Nationality : United Kingdom
Languages Known : English
Book AppointmentBiography
Dr. Mavin E. O. Macauley is an Consultant Endocrinologist. He completed his MBChB from the University of Sierra Leone in 2004. He obtained his Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Endocrinology & Diabetes and General Medicine in 2019. He is also a fellow of Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh and fellow of Royal Australian College of Physicians. Dr. Mavin has worked in well-reputed organizations in United Kingdom and New Zealand prior to joining Burjeel.
Research & Publications
- 2021 NIHR HTA Reference Number: NIHR131855 Diagnostic tools to establish the presences and severity of peripheral artery disease in people with diabetes National Institute of Health Research: Co-Investigator [£767,595.73] Part of a larger multi-centre UK wide collaborative grant application.
- 2020 GreenShoot Research Grant [£9000.00 over 2 years] National Institute of Health Research
- 2021 Targeting Health Needs Research Grant [£48684.57 over 2 years] National Institute of Health Research
- 2016 Winner Certificate of Merit (from 102 posters)- British Nuclear Medicine Society Meeting
- 2015 Excellent Publication - Diabetes and Endocrinology Northern Deanery - Specialist training Programme
- 2020 Microbiological evaluation of resection margins of the infected diabetes foot ulcer Macauley M, et al Diabetic Medicine https://doi.org/10.1111/dme.14440 2018
- Assessment of normal reference values for thyroid uptake of technetium-99m pertechnetate in a single centre UK population Macauley M, et al Nucl Med Commun. 2018 Sep;39(9):834-838 2017
- Letter to Editor Macauley M, Quinton R. Menopause. 2017; Feb 24(2):232 2015
- Diurnal variation in skeletal muscle and liver glycogen in humans with normal health and type 2 diabetes Macauley M, et al Clin Sci (Lond). 2015; May 1:128(10):707-13 2015
- Effect of Vildagliptin on Hepatic Steatosis Macauley M, et al Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2015; April 100(4):1578-1585 2015
- Altered volume, morphology and composition of the pancreas in type 2 diabetes Macauley M, et al PLoS One. 2015; May 10(5)
- Diabetes (type1, type 2 & Gestational)
- Diabetic foot diseases
- Endocrine problems of the pituitary
- Thyroid
- Parathyroid
- Adrenal glands
- Gonads
- Endocrinopathy associated with Immunopathy
- Diabetes UK
- Society of Endocrinology
- European Society of Endocrinology

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