Dr. Sivan Pillay Azhagappan HOD & Specialist Anaesthesia
Years of Experience : 36
Nationality : India
Languages Known : English, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil
Dr. Pillay has been practicing medicine for over 36 years after finishing his MBBS from Madras University, India. Dr. Pillay attended medical school at Tanjavur Medical College in India, earning his Doctor of Medicine degree. He remained in the same college to complete his internship and Anesthesiology residency immediately, followed by a Fellowship training in Cardiac Anesthesia. Dr. Pillay has been involved in multiple research studies and presentations at International Anesthesia Society meetings and is interested in anesthesiology and pain medicine research. He is a member of several societies, the Society of Cardio-Vascular Anesthesiologists (SCA), The Indian Society of Pediatric Cardiology, and The Indian Society of Anesthetists. Dr. Pillay has a good blend of academics, patient management, administrative duties, and research.
Awards & Achievements
- Team Member of Sheikh Hamdam Award for Medical Excellence - Mafraq Hospital Cardiac Surgery
- Member of Team of Healing Hearts Center of Excellence of Cardiac Sciences - Burjeel Hospital, Abu Dhabi
Research & Publications
- CABG on CPB without cross-clamp Anil Kumar D., Rao P.N., Sushil Chandran. Mahmoud H., Salam Ali., A.K.Dhir, Saxena.D.K., Pillay.A.S., Pillai. V.R., Venkitachalam. C.G., Saeed. M., Fikree.M.A., Sultan Abdul. Nazer. Y.A. Published as Abstract in The Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2003 19: 9. (28).
- Safe approach to peritoneal dialysis in neonatal cardiac surgery – Mafraq Hospital technique Anil Kumar.D. Suresh Kumar R.N., Rao P.N., Sushil Chandran., Mahmoud H., Dhir A.K., Saxena D.K., Pillay A.S., Venkitachalam C.G., Nazer Y.A., Sedagathian M.R., Tim Cartmill., Rao I.M.
- Systemic- Pulmonary Arterial shunts in neonates Anil Kumar.D, Suresh Kumar R.N., Rao P.N., Sushil Chandran., Mahmoud H., Dhir A.K., Saxena D.K., Pillay A.S., Venkitachalam C.G., Nazar Y.A., Sedagathian M.R., Tim Cartmill., Rao I.M.
- Transcaval Repair of Sinus Venosus syndrome. Rao P.N., Suresh Kumar R.N., Anil Kumar.D. , Sushil Chandran. Mahmoud H., Dhir A.K., Saxena D.K., Pillay A.S., Venkitachalam C.G., Nazar Y.A., Tim Cartmill., Rao I.M.
- Repair of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection in Early Infancy Anil Kumar D., Suresh Kumar R., Rao P.N., Mahmoud H., Chandran S., Dhir A.K., Saxena D.K., Pillay A.S., Venkitachalam C.G., Pillai V.R., Fikree M.A., Nazer Y.A., Cartmill T.B., Rao I.M.
- Coarctation of Aorta in Neonates and Young Infants: Surgical Experience. Rao P. N., Suresh Kumar R., Anil Kumar D., Mahmoud Hassan. Chandran S., Dhir A.K., Saxena D.K., Pillay A. S., Pillai V. R., Venkitachalam C.G., Amin Fikree M., Nazer Y. A., Cartmill T.B., Rao I. M.
- Coarctation in Early Infancy: Mafraq Hospital Experience Rao P.N., Suresh Kumar R., Anil Kumar D., Chandran S., Salam Ali. Dhir A. K., Saxena D. K., Pillay A.S., Venkitachalam C.G., Pillai V.R., Nazer Y.A., Cartmill T.B., Rao I.M.
- Single Patch Technique for the Repair of Complete Atrioventricular Canal Defect. Anil Kumar D., Suresh Kumar R., Rao P.N., Chandran S., Hassan M., Dhir A.K., Saxena D.K., Pillay A.S., Venkitachalam C. G., Pillai V.R., Nazer Y.A., Cartmill T.B., Rao I.M.
- Modified Technique for Direct Aortic Implantation in ALCAPA Suresh Kumar R., Anil Kumar D., Rao P.N., Hassan M., Chandran S., Dhir A.K., Saxena D.K., Pillay A.S., Venkitachalam C.G., Pillai V.R., Nazer Y.A., Cartmill T.B., Rao I.M.
- TAPVC Repair in Early Infancy Anil Kumar D., Suresh Kumar R., Rao P.N., Hassan M., Chandran S., Dhir A.K., Saxena D.K., Pillay A.S., Venkitachalam C.G., Pillai V.R., Nazer Y.A., Cartmill T.B., Rao I.M.
- Truncus Arteriosus- Use of homologous valved pericardial conduit. Sushil Chandran, Suresh Kumar RN, Anil Kumar D, PN Rao, Salam Ali, Dhir AK, Saxena DK, Pillay AS, Venkatachalam CG, Pillai VR, Nazer YA, Cartmill TB, Rao IM.