Dr. Ashrat Hussain Mir Specialist Anaesthesiologist
Years of Experience : 18
Nationality : India
Languages Known : English, Arabic, Hindi
Dr. Ashrat Hussain Mir has joined Burjeel Hospital as a Specialist in Anesthesia. He completed his MBBS in 1996 & MD in Anesthesiology in 2005 from a renowned university in India. Dr. Ashrat has 18 years of experience in Anesthesiology and had worked in reputed organizations in India and UAE before joining Burjeel. Dr. Ashrat is highly skilled in the use of general and regional anesthesia, chronic pain management, various nerve blocks, and management of patients in Intensive Care. His areas of expertise include:
- Acute and chronic pain management
- Intensivist
- Perioperative Patient Management
- General & regional anesthesia
- Procedure sedation
- Nerve blockage management in Adults & Pediatrics
Research & Publications
- Spinal anesthesia in preeclamptic parturients; a useful option in a setting of huge patient turn up. Asian Arch Anesth& Resus 2008. Vol. 66. No.1
- Addition of butorphanol to lidocaine prolongs the duration of brachial plexus blockade. Int J Anesth 2008. Vol. 16. Number 1
- Emergency Peripartum Hysterectomy: Experience at Apex Hospital of Kashmir Valley. Int J GynecolObstet 2007. Vol. 8. Number 2
- Cardiac arrest caused by sildenafil overdosage, a case report. The Internet Journal of Anaesthesiology. 2010 Volume 22 Number 2. DOI: 10.5580/1b01
- Use of flexible fibreoptic bronchoscopy in unanticipated failed intubation . JIMS 2013
- Lifetime Member International Association for the study of Pain (IASP)
- Lifetime Member Indian Medical Association (IMA)