Dr. Daspin D Specialist Radiology
Years of Experience : 17
Nationality : India
Languages Known : English, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Arabic
Dr. Daspin D is a Specialist in Radiology. He earned his MBBS graduate from MUHS, India and completed his primary post graduate training in CMC Ludhiana and secondary post graduate training (DNB) at MIOT International Hospital, India. Prior to Burjeel, he was working as Specialist Radiologist (Category A) at KIMS, Duqm. He has a wide range of experience and worked as specialist radiologist and was considered as chief transplant radiologist for first and second pediatric liver transplant at Royal Hospital at Muscat in October 2021. With extensive experience in performing and interpreting routine radiologic procedures, his skill set extends to performing basic interventional radiological procedures, such as liver biopsies, aspiration cytology, and FNAC. His specialization is in anomaly scans and handling pediatric emergencies involving X-rays, ultrasound, CT, and MRI with a special interest in liver transplant imaging, particularly excelling in intraoperative Doppler and pre- and post-operative reporting along with MSK radiology managing emergency cases including USG, CT, MRI and other intervention. Certificate of appreciation with the transplant team for the chief transplant radiologist regarding the intra-operative and post-operative sonography of first pediatric transplant in Royal Hospital, OMAN 2021 Second prize in the Columbia Asia Postgraduate programme, Bangalore in 2016
Research & Publications
- Srinivasan K, Prathiba Rajalakshmi P, Daspin D, Sukanya. Systemic manifestations of Neurocutaneous syndromes. Chapter in “Comprehensive Textbook of clinical Radiology” from ELSEVIER –IRIA, Volume 1.
- “Spectrum of abdominal wall hernias and role of CT in their management’’ Indian Journal of Medical Case Reports ISSN: 2319–3832(Online) Online International Journal Available at http://www.cibtech.org/jcr.htm 2013 Vol.2 (2) April-June, pp.64-70/Singla et al.
- “Unusual Case of Pulmonary Mucormycosis Presenting with Paraplegia and Spinal Cord Infarction” in ‘Indian Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ Volume 5/ Issue 76/ September 22, 2016.
- Myoepithelioma: A tale of uncommon benign spinal cord tumor presenting with spastic paraplegia in International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Inventions Volume3 issue 10 2016-page no. 2277-2280 e-ISSN: 2348-991Xp-ISSN: 2454-9576
- Rare Case of Silicosiderosis mimicking Sarcoidosis – A detailed Case Report. Daspin et al., J PulmRespir Med 2017, 7:3 Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine
- Unusual case of Tumoral calcinosis mimicking infective etiology – a detailed case report in International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Inventions’’2348-991xp-issn :2454-9576
- Unusual case of Angiosarcoma of liver presenting with pulmonary metastasis in a young girl – A detailed case Report –J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278- 4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 6/ Issue 69/ Aug. 28, 2017
- A Rare case of Emphysematous Osteomyelitis of spine presenting with air in the Inferior Venacave -Sch J Med Case Rep 2017; 5(9):587-590
- Mucocele of appendix –A case series with review of literature –Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences/Volume 8/OCT 2019.
- Anomalous Origin of Bilateral Vertebral Arteries with Intracranial AneurysmJuly 2020 Saudi Journal of Medicine10.36348/sjm. 2020.v05i07.002
- Optimal diagnostic tool for surveillance of oesophageal varices during COVID-19 pandemic.D. Jothimani,a,∗ S. Danielraj,a B. Nallathambi,a B. Pandurangan, b S. Kalyanasundaram,c K. Subbiah, c H. Ramachandran, d R. Venugopal, a D. Dhas, c and M. Relaa
- "Role of Combined CT Pulmonary Angiography and Indirect CT Venography in diagnosing Venous Thromboembolism in COVID-19 patients – Experience from an Indian Quaternary Centre." Journal of vascular and Endovascular Surgery’’ Kalyanasundaram, Srinivasan; Sudarsanam, Hemanth; Dhas, Daspin ;Shankar, Abhinaya; Varadan, Baskaran; Ethiraj, Dillibabu; Rajakumar, Akila; Devarajan, Vidya; A.C, Sathya; Hakeem, Abdul.
Education & Training
- MBBS at Maharashtra Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Nashik (2000 - 2006)
- F.S.H.M at Christian Medical College, Vellore (2009 - 2010)
- D.M.R.D at Christian Medical College, Ludhiana (2010 - 2012)
- D.N.B at MIOT International Hospital, Chennai (2016 – 2018)
- Trained in SONOSCAN under Dr. Boopathy Vijayaraghavan (Fetal medicine 1month April 2019)
- MNAMS – 2019
- Routine radiologic procedures
- Basic interventional radiological procedures including liver biopsy, aspiration cytology and FNAC
- Fetal medicine expertise at anomaly scan, and other pediatric emergencies including X-rays, ultrasound, CT and MRI
- Liver transplant imaging with expertise at intraoperative Doppler, pre- and post-operative reporting of USG, CT, MRI and other routine cases
- MSK radiology managing emergency cases including USG, CT, MRI and other intervention procedures
- Reporting emergency and routine chest and abdominal radiology