Dr. Mohamed Elsamman Ahmed Specialist Critical Care Medicine
Years of Experience : 15
Nationality : Egypt
Languages Known : English, Arabic
Dr. Mohamed Elsamman Ahmed is a Specialist Critical Care Medicine professional. Dr. Mohamed Elsamman Ahmed is the Head of the ICU department at Burjeel Farha, Al Ain. He holds a Master’s degree in Critical Care Medicine, MRCP part I & II, and a degree in Cardiology and Intensive Care Medicine from ESICM (European Society of Intensive care Medicine). Prior to Dr. Elsamman association with Burjeel Farha, he served seven years at ICU – Gama Hospital, Alkhobar, Saudi Arabia, in 2011 and was at Gamal Abd Elnaser hospital, Egypt as ICU/CCU Resident doctor until 2010. He also received an award from the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) for the Best Therapeutic Research at the Critical Care Congress in San Diego, Cal, USA 2011 in ARDS ventilated patients. His areas of expertise include,
- Resuscitation and management of critically ill patients, including those with multi-organ systems failure
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, airway management, invasive monitoring, and kidney injury management on a critical care medicine basis and rules
- Sepsis, septicemia, and septic shock management
- Mechanical ventilation
- Routine ICU procedures include central venous catheters, arterial lines, intercostal tubes, dialysis vascular access catheters (vas caths), temporary venous pacemaker, advanced airway management, and assistance in tracheostomy (surgical and percutaneous)
- ICU follow-ups and review of mechanically ventilated patients, including regular tracheostomy tube change
- Manage the process of end-of-life care
- Special interest in pulmonology medicine, including respiratory failure, ARDS, ASTHMA/COPD life-threatening, severe pneumonia, and pleural effusion
Education & Training
- MBBCH, MD in CCM, MRCP Part 1 & 2, EDIC