
Trigger Point Release

Trigger point release is a specialized manual therapy technique aimed at targeting hyperirritable spots within muscles, known as trigger points, to alleviate pain, reduce muscular tension, and restore normal muscle function. By applying direct pressure or stretching to these trigger points, trigger point release aims to deactivate hyperactive muscle fibers, improve blood flow, and promote relaxation and relief.


Pain Alleviation

Trigger point release techniques effectively alleviate localized muscular pain and discomfort associated with trigger points, providing immediate relief and improved comfort.

Reduction of Muscular Tension

By releasing tight or hypertonic muscle fibers, trigger point release promotes relaxation, reduces muscular tension, and enhances muscle flexibility, allowing for improved movement patterns and function.

Improved Range of Motion

Trigger point release techniques target restrictions within muscles and surrounding tissues, improving joint mobility, reducing stiffness, and enhancing overall range of motion.

Enhanced Circulation

Trigger point release promotes increased blood flow to the affected area, facilitating nutrient delivery, waste removal, and tissue healing, promoting optimal recovery and rehabilitation.

Correction of Neuromuscular Dysfunction

Trigger point release addresses neuromuscular dysfunction associated with trigger points, restoring normal muscle activation patterns, reducing muscle imbalances, and optimizing neuromuscular control and coordination.

Measures to Support

Comprehensive Assessment

Undergo a thorough evaluation by a qualified manual therapist, such as a physical therapist or massage therapist, to identify trigger points, assess muscular tension, and develop an individualized treatment plan.

Targeted Techniques

Receive trigger point release techniques tailored to your specific needs and goals, including direct pressure, ischemic compression, myofascial release, stretching, and positional release, addressing identified trigger points and muscular tension.

Individualized Treatment Plan

Work with your manual therapist to develop an individualized treatment plan incorporating trigger point release techniques, therapeutic exercises, and other rehabilitation interventions to address underlying musculoskeletal issues and promote optimal healing and recovery.

Education and Self-Care

Receive education on self-care techniques, ergonomic principles, posture correction, and home exercises to complement trigger point release sessions, empowering active participation in the recovery process and promoting long-term musculoskeletal health.

Compliance and Follow-Up

Adhere to prescribed trigger point release protocols, attend scheduled treatment sessions, and communicate with your therapist to monitor progress, address concerns, and adjust treatment as needed to optimize outcomes.